Our Health Guarantee:
This guarantees that our buyers take home a sound, healthy puppy.
- Our puppies are healthy and free from physical defects and illness as far as the eye can see.
- First puppy shots AND worming medicine will be given.
- Buyer has 48 hours to take his puppy to the vet. If the vet states in writing that puppy has any genetic defect or illness, then purchase price will be refunded when puppy is returned to the seller with all paperwork.
- If puppy dies within 48 hours of receipt from the seller, then buyer to take puppy to vet for necropsy. If necropsy shows that puppy had any genetic defect or illness that caused his death, then purchase price will be refunded.
- This protects the seller from 'accidental' puppy deaths...for example...if a puppy is accidentally dropped, or hurt by a door, or stepped on...
- This protects the buyer from purchasing a sick or defective puppy.
